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We want to hear from YOU!

We are opening our public Q&A (Question & Answer) Passport Bros Video section titled: Passport Bros Public Discourse

We are currently developing this new section of the website, in which we will be posting YOUR video commentary. We want to hear from people all around the world. We want to hear your REAL thoughts, feelings, and opinions regarding dating, relationships, marriage, and the Passport Bros Movement. Part informal research as well as a way to gauge public opinion regarding these areas, we want to know what’s on your mind.


Answer the following questions:

1) What is your opinion of the current Western dating /marriage scene?

2) What have your recent dating experiences been like? Bad? or Good?

3) What does the term Passport Bros mean to you?

4) Do you consider yourself a Passport Bro or potential Passport Bro and why or why not?

5) Are you currently looking for a romantic partner? or are you choosing to remain single and why?

5) Based on your experience and given the current state of affairs within the dating scene, What’s the best dating advice and/or tips you’d give someone seriously looking for a romantic partner?


Video Submission Requirements /Guidelines:

1) Maximum Video time length: 3-5mins

2) Acceptable file formats: MOV, MKV, Mp4, Android / iPHONE

3) All video submissions should be forwarded to:

Attn: Chase


4) Please include the following with your submission:

-The name you would like us to use for your post and your location.

5) Should we choose to feature your video submission, we will notify you when the video is posted.


Please Note: By submitting your video to us, you grant us permission to post your video /commentary on the website and associated social media platforms. We have the right to refuse/not to post any video submission we deem inflammatory.

Disclaimer: Please take into consideration the nature of your commentary, as we will not post any of the following types of videos:

A) Hateful, Racial, or Violent speech directed at said name person, persons, groups, and/or individuals.

B) Slanderous or defamatory speech directed at a specific named person.

C) Speech that incites violence against any person, persons, groups, individuals, and/or countries.


We want to hear from both sides of the aisle and the public at large regarding the Passport Bros Movement. We encourage you to be open, honest and speak your truth. Add your voice to this important public discussion and let your thoughts and opinions be heard.

You matter and your voice deserves to be heard…

"The Official Number One Passport Bros Website"

At Passport Bros LLC, we are committed to empowering men from diverse backgrounds across the world. We understand the challenges faced by millions of men, including hyper anti-masculinity environments, biased divorce rulings, biased family court systems, paternity fraud, false allegations, financial hardships, and a lack of supportive resources. Our mission is to provide valuable information, advice, and multi-faceted solutions to help men overcome these obstacles. By combining our expertise with informative travel resources, we aim to inspire men to lead fulfilling lives and create meaningful connections. Join the Passport Bros community and embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and personal growth.

© 2023 by Passport Bros LLC. 

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